Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby

Well in one weekend we managed to go from 10% to 90% ready for baby. Hilary threw me a very lovely baby shower. It was nice to have my friends and family come celebrate this new baby. I got plenty of diapers and other nice gifts also. We also painted the baby's room, washed all the linens and clothes, sanitized the toys, and even chose a new pediatrician. This baby is lucky that nesting has set in or she might be a naked child with nowhere to sleep.

The food at the shower. Amelia and Olivia had to line up for cupcake dibs, you know.

This is all our 0-3 month clothing. I am going to sort through and get rid of some because I am pretty sure there isn't a child on the planet that needs 46 onsies. I don't know how we managed to accumulate so much but now all of you understand why I keep saying we don't need anything.

1 comment:

Fayelle said...

WOW, lots of onesies!!

I bet Amalie can't wait!