Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We had such a great Easter. The girls woke up to their Easter baskets filled. Then they found all the eggs. Nina didn't even need help or instructions, she found 4 eggs very quickly and then just as quickly lost interest and left the rest for Amelia to find. Philip took Amelia to church while Nina and I cooked and napped. Then we had our Easter feast as Amelia called it. We had ham, cheesy bacon potatoes, roasted asparagus, rolls, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. After lunch I took the girls to the park to play. When we got home we played in the yard. Amelia tried to fly her kite for about 2 hours then practiced on her new scooter.

Easter baskets - Nina got mostly Sesame Street stuff and Amelia got mostly outdoor toys. That Easter Bunny sure knows his stuff.

Amelia's big kid scooter. She is too afraid to learn to ride her bike so I figured this is a close second. Hopefully, one day she will want to learn to ride her bike but that day is not today.

Something Doesn't Belong?

If you guessed "Nina in a dress" you would be correct. Amelia has always loved dresses so she has plenty to hand down to Nina but when I put a dress on Nina for the first time both Philip and I agreed that it just doesn't suit her personality. She looks adorable but I doubt she will be a dress girl, she is much too rough and tumble for that.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

On the last official day of spring break we met some friends from school at the zoo. We haven't been to the zoo since last summer when Nina was so little. Now that she is big enough to see things and really participate she absolutely loved it. She cried when we ran out of lettuce to feed the giraffes, she wasn't scared to do it at all. And of course Amelia is a zoo expert and always has the best time. Usually we go to the zoo in the morning but this time we went in the afternoon. The animals were much more active for the most part so now we might become afternoon zoo people. We are very excited for the new African exhibit to be finished too!

Feeding the giraffes. Nina even learned to say giraffe after this.

She was actually quite terrified when I first put her on the carousel, notice the grip she has on my shirt. Once it started moving and she realized I wouldn't let her fall she loved it. She kept saying "horse, up, down, up down" and "yee-haw."

Amelia and her friend Erica.


We spent one afternoon at the park with my friends and their children. Amelia spent most of her time with the bigger kids in the skate park area. Nina spent the first half of the day swinging, she makes you push her until your arms want to fall off, and the second half of the day following Amelia, who was following Caitlin, around. Caitlin is in junior high and Amelia sure thought it was cool to be able to play with her.

She thinks she is big, notice the purse and "cell phone" for texting.

Nina's all time favorite. Typically one of the first things Nina says in the morning is "swing, swing, swing" and when you relent she jumps up and down shouting "YAY!" How could I deny that?

She sure is getting big.

Isn't she beautiful?


We actually went mini-golfing more than once during spring break. Even Nina liked it, although if she did attempt to hit the ball (rather then just dropping it in the hole), it always went backwards. Amelia got a hole-in-one! She was very proud of herself.

Waiting patiently for our turn.

So proper

We golfed this one hole for probably 20 minutes. Nina loved to see the ball roll down the tube and we did it over and over and over again.


Nina is giving someone the stink-eye.

She is so pretty, I love the freckles.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Nina. It so accurately displays her personality - 100 miles per hour all the time!

Looks like Nina is trying to "help", we use that term very loosely.

Children's Museum

On the first weekend of spring break we headed up to the Denver Children's Museum. The girls had such a great time.

Nina is mad the little boy is following her.

Sleeping in the tree

Two little birds

Amelia standing inside a bubble

Nina loved the bubbles, we probably spent the most time in there.

Painting her masterpiece (that we forgot). Even Nina painted a picture (that we also forgot).

The fire station was also popular

Nina carried that dog all over, she tried to take it with her.