Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Trip to the Dentist

As everyone is aware, I am deathly afraid of the dentist. I would, in fact, like to have sedation dentistry for cleanings. So I was a little nervous taking Amelia to the dentist for the first time. We really lucked out and found the best dentist. He is a pediatric dentist, and while not in our neighborhood, totally worth the drive. The staff was so nice and made Amelia feel like getting your teeth cleaned was the equivalent to going to a birthday party (and we know how much Amelia likes birthday parties). Even the laxtex gloves smelled like spearmint. Amelia allowed them to count her teeth, polish them and even scrape the bottoms ones just a little bit. She freaked out when Dr. Josh wanted to paint her teeth with the sealant though. She didn't like the idea of having painted teeth. I think she thought they were using watercolors just like she has at home. I ended up bribing her with a trip to Chuck E Cheese.

Brushing with the new kangaroo toothbrush

Counting teeth

Polishing teeth

Her favorite ride at Chuck E Cheese

Counting tickets for a prize


Anonymous said...

Bribes usually always work!

Grandma Patty said...

What adorable pictures! The dentist should publish them! I love the picture that was mailed!