Wednesday, April 11, 2012


We actually went mini-golfing more than once during spring break. Even Nina liked it, although if she did attempt to hit the ball (rather then just dropping it in the hole), it always went backwards. Amelia got a hole-in-one! She was very proud of herself.

Waiting patiently for our turn.

So proper

We golfed this one hole for probably 20 minutes. Nina loved to see the ball roll down the tube and we did it over and over and over again.


Nina is giving someone the stink-eye.

She is so pretty, I love the freckles.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Nina. It so accurately displays her personality - 100 miles per hour all the time!

Looks like Nina is trying to "help", we use that term very loosely.

1 comment:

fayelle said...

Naomi has that same cupcake shirt! And i LOVe the pic of her running!
