Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Apple Farm

Amelia had her first field trip last Friday. Both Kindergarten classes got to go to Happy Apple Farm. I drove with another mom and followed the bus since I had Nina but Philip surprised Amelia and took the day off to go on the bus with her. We didn't tell her that he would be there and she was very proud when he showed up. When we got there we all got a tractor ride to the hay barn to eat lunch. Then the kids all had to go in the field and find the 8 stages of a growing pumpkin, seeds, shoots, vines, blossoms, small green pumpkin, big green pumpkin, big yellow pumpkin and finally a big orange pumpkin. After they found all 8 stages they got to pick out a pumpkin to take home. It was a great time, the kids loved finding the stages of the pumpkin. We even bought Nina a little pumpkin on the way out, one that she could actually lift.

Looking for a pumpkin stage

Nina kept trying to pick up all the pumpkins

This was her idea of posing with the pumpkin, which is what I was going for here

Amelia and her friend Aly

Eating lunch

Nina and farm equipment - a dangerous combination

Amelia in the field

Amelia and Philip

Ms. Rain and her students.


GG said...

How great that Phil could come along. I know it meant lots to Amelia and also the other children

Grandma Patty said...

What great parents you guys are! Philip that is awesome you went with the class! And how was that trip?

Hasn't kindergarten been a great experience so far?

fayelle said...

Love it! Farms are the best. And kindergarten just seems super awesome. Yay!