Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Open House

Philip and I took Amelia to her open house at preschool today. She is going to First Presbyterian Preschool, downtown on Weber. She was so very excited this morning. Her day at school will start with Free Choice/Centers, then Circle Time, then Playground/Gym, then Chapel or Music, then Show and Tell or Mookie (a monkey puppet) and Play-Doh. Throw in a couple of bathroom breaks and a goodbye song and that is a day of preschool. They are also going to start an ant farm for a science project. They will also study a different Bible story each week and every month they will have a new character trait to concentrate on, first is God Made the World and being kind and compassionate. Every week they will also have a new theme, next week is Ants. I think she will really enjoy this. She was already having a great time with the centers today during the open house. Here is an intesting fact about her class, there are 12 kids and 2 teachers but there are 3 sets of twins in her class. And something we didn't think we would ever have to experience, she has to go by Amelia C. because there is another Amelia in her class. You would think that we picked a very common name or something.

Playing dress-up. She even accessorized.

Playing moon sand with one of her teachers.

The rice table.

The baby and dollhouse center

Amelia's lovely makeup. She rubbed her eye with the back of her hand that had a stamp on it and this was the result.

1 comment:

GG said...

Gee, I thought she had a black eye.
Anyhow I know she will love preschool. It will be such a good experience