Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We Are All Different

This morning Amelia and I were talking about things that are different and she said that she and Buddy were different. So I asked her what was different about them and she came up with a pretty impressive list.
  • "Buddy is a boy and I am a girl"
  • "Buddy has fur and I don't have any fur"
  • "Buddy has a tail and I don't have a tail"
  • "Buddy has a long tongue for panting and I don't"
  • "Buddy poops outside and I go in the potty" and then for clarification "Buddy has never even TRIED to go in the potty like I do"


Unknown said...
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GG said...

Very astute observations. She never misses a beat.

Fayelle said...

Man, buddy, can't you even TRY to go on the potty?? Amelia REALLY has her act together - especially compared to that buddy.