Saturday, July 11, 2009

What we have been up to lately

It has been very hot around here. We have been to the zoo a couple of times and to the sprayground a couple too. We have been doing a lot of jumping on our new trampoline and since it is in the shade, I just take a book and Amelia gets to jump to her hearts content. I would have pictures of that but everytime I bring my camera out there, Amelia comendeers it to take pictures of Buddy. Someday I will be stealthy enough to get a picture of her jumping. We are putting sprinklers in our backyard and hopefully getting sod back there in the next couple of weeks. I am excited to not have a dirt lot anymore.

Grandma Kitty and Papa Ike came to Amelia's t-ball game today. Amelia played relatively well. She didn't need any help hitting the ball. The first time she was up to bat, she hit the ball and rane to first. On her way to second she spotted a girl on the other team with the same glove as her and proceeded to try to rip it off the girl's hand while screaming "Give me my glove!" It took 3 parents to explain that it wasn't hers. The other little girl had the most terrified look on her face. The next time Amelia was on her way to second base, the coach forgot to tell her to stop, so like Forrest Gump, she just kept running. She finally stopped, and we realized she was gone, at the second base of the other game. All in all it was probably the funniest game she has played. I guess we need to work on our base running.

At Bat

Waiting to Bat

Playing the field

Warming up

1 comment:

GG said...

What fun. Would have loved to see the game. Hope the trampoline has a fence around it.