Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Amelia has been taking swimming lessons for the past couple of weeks. This is the first time she has been in the water without me. We struggled for the first week trying to get her to sit still and listen to her teacher but she is really doing good with that now. She has even overcome the bad influence of the other little girl in her class, Abby. I am just glad that my child is not the bad influence, in fact, last night she was the only one the teacher didn't have to make sit out for not listening. She is learning the backstroke and freestyle swimming. She will put her whole face in the water and is jumping in without hesitation. She is going to be a good little swimmer I think.

The back float


Suing the kickboard

Being a "motorboat"
In other news, we signed Amelia up for t-ball. Her practices start in a couple of weeks. She is excited about that.
When we came home from swimming Amelia told me she needed some tape. When I asked her why she said she was putting a sign up on her door and it says "Keep Out!" And so it has begun, I didn't think it would start at 3, I was hoping for maybe 13.


Fayelle said...

WOW, what a swimmer. I so need to come see her. Maybe Thursday after next. I'll let you know. What a cute kid.

GG said...

She is doing a great job!! This is the time to get her started and to not be afraid of the water.
About the "keep out" Good luck