Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Amelia's usual morning routine lately is she wakes up super early (too early for those of us that go to bed at 4 am, oh wait that is only me) and Philip sets her up with a snack and Sesame Street and she comes to wake me after Sesame Street is over. This is the only way I can get more than 3 hours of sleep a night. Today though, Amelia started crying shortly after Philip went to work. We are talking full on tears down the face, can't catch your breath sobbing. I run down stairs thinking she is hurt but she is just sitting on the couch crying. When I ask her what is wrong, she says she needs her daddy. I told her he was at work and would be home after nap. She wanted to go to his work right that second. She didn't stop crying until we both had shoes on. She cried for her daddy for over 10 minutes this morning just because she wanted to tell him something, she still won't even tell me what it is. What a daddy's girl!

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