Thursday, May 31, 2012

Water Day

Nina had no problem making the big kids move out of her way

In case you are wondering how many kids can fit in a baby pool, 7 is the answer

Nina loved painting with watercolors on the wall

She also painted herself nearly entirely black by the time we left

Amelia also painted a masterpiece

Amelia and her friends

Trying (unsuccessfully) to blow bubbles

Such a little posing princess

Amelia and Ms. Rain, the best teacher ever!
On the last day of school the Kindergarten hosted a Water Day complete with all things water.  It was great fun for all the kids, even Nina got to play.  The perfect end to the perfect year.  Now on to 1st grade!

Kindergarten Celebration

Nina playing in the sand, waiting for the Kindergarteners

I love how close Nina has to sit to Amelia to eat lunch

Amelia with her friends

The 2 Amelias having a cupcake
Instead of a Kindergarten graduation, Amelia's school chose to walk to the park and have a picnic and fun day.  I thought that was a much better choice!  We brought watermelon and cupcakes for the kids.  Nina loves when she gets to hang out with Amelia and her friends so she can think she is big like them.  It was a very fun afternoon and the perfect celebration for becoming 1st graders!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Kindergarten Playground

Amelia was proud she learned to do the monkey bars

Nina on the slide

She is a monkey for sure

Nina's favorite thing on the playground

Field Day

Amelia jump roping

Amelia and Nicole won the 3 legged race

Walking with Monster Feet

Sack Race

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Nina wanted to be big and kept trying to jump rope

She couldn't figure out how to make it go over her head

She probably tried 10 different jump ropes.  I think she figured they were all broken.