Saturday, January 24, 2009


Amelia has a habit of waiting until you fall asleep and then reeking havoc quitely, so as not to wake you. The other day I fell asleep at nap time before she did and I woke up she was sitting on the coffee table eating peanut butter out of the jar, oh and she was butt naked. When I asked her what happened to her clothes, she told me she got too hot.

Today Philip fell asleep on the couch right before dinner. I went in the living room to tell him it was time to eat and this is what I found.

Those are Mr. Potato Head glasses or as Amelia says Mashed Potato Head.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Poor Amelia

Today Amelia and I went to the Y for a class I like. Amelia gets to jump on the pirate ship jump jump so she likes it too. Today though, I went to pick her up and she was very sad and said she just wanted to go home. This is highly unusual as she typically cries when we have to leave. I should have known something was not right but I just figured she was tired. We got into the car and 5 minutes down the road on Union (where there is no place to pull over or even turn to a side street), she start projectile vomitting all over. She was very brave though, she didn't cry to freak out or anything. We took her to Grandma Patty's to get washed up and went home. She is now laying on the couch relaxing. She is holding down Sprite so that is a good sign. It sure makes you feel like crap when your child is sick because there is nothing you can do.

Notice who she is holding. She actually asked for "Mommy's Special Peppy" because even she has learned about his magical healing powers. Hopefully, the powers have not worn off in the last 25 years.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tumbling Tots

We joined the YMCA last week and Amelia has really been enjoying it. I was worried about leaving her at the childwatch but she absolutely loves it. She always tells me about her "new friends". I have also enrolled her in a class called Tumbling Tots. It is very similar to a MyGym type of class. We sing songs and dance to music and then do the gymnastics apparatus. She doesn't like to hang on the bar but she loves the balance beam and balance see-saw. She also like free-time. Today she tried her hand at bowling and hockey. She does a great somersault and is even learning a backwards one.

Playing hockey

Backwards somersault with Miss Deana

Jumping on the vault

The big foam slide

Jumping through hoops

Monday, January 12, 2009

Amelia is Definetely Philip's Child

The other day I was explaining to Amelia the series of events that would lead up to nap time. I told her she has to eat lunch and then could relax on the couch and watch one show, then take a nap. She told me OK but I could tell she wasn't listening. So I asked her what I had just said and she replied "I don't know." I can't even tell you how many times Philip and I have had nearly that exact conversation.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Amelia Thinks She is So Smart

Yesterday, we were having our friends over for a playdate. I was doing the laundry and had told Amelia to start cleaning her room and I would be in in a minute to help. She told me that she like her room dirty better. Too bad, was the answer she recieved.

She promptly told me: "I will just close my door so you can't find my room"

She closed her door and went upstairs and honestly thought that would thwart me. Minutes later she was called back to start cleaning but for a little while she was a genius (at least she thought so.)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What a Good Cat

This picture was actually taken awhile ago but it is one of my favorites. Our friends came over with some birthday party favors and Amelia and her best friend Alessandra decided it would be a good idea for it to be the cat's birthday. Here is the result. This is the perfect cat for a little girl, he just loves the torture inflicted upon it. Notice the birthday hat. Mao not only allowed the hat, he sat there long enough for me to go get the camera and take the picture.

Amelia's Pets

Yesterday we didn't do much, library and Sam's Club. Amelia, who is usually not that excited about getting her picture taken, wanted to model. She asked for her picture with both of her pets. Here is Amelia the Model.

Amelia and Buddy

Amelia and Mao

What a happy girl!