Today we headed to Denver to see my brother-in-law and his family. We wanted to bring them our very special treats that we labored so hard over. All of my nieces and nephews just love my beef jerky, in fact it was gone within an hour of our arrival. We also brought toffee, chocolate chip cookies, spiced nuts, and a chocolate cheesecake. We hope they enjoy all of their Christmas treats. They have Amelia a doctor set, which she loves. She is now a medical expert, so you can email her with any ailments and she will tell you the remedy. My 2 youngest nieces and Amelia also had a fancy tea party. They got dressed in fancy dresses and drank "tea" (read water) out of little china tea cups. Then everyone got to decorate a gingerbread tree or snowman. Amelia had a great time! Thank you Uncle Eric and Auntie Shonie!
Of course, I forgot my camera so I do not have pictures. But you can probably imagine how sweet they all looked dressed so fancy for their tea party.